About aleWorek

The best ideas are born at the meeting point of need and passion.
Commitment and hard work mean that an idea can become an extraordinary object or event. And this is exactly the story of aleWork!
Adrianna Wołczyk's dad, the founder and head of the company, started baking bread at home. Delicious, fragrant, crunchy and healthy! Unfortunately, the way it was stored caused the bread to lose its best properties. Adrianna decided to help her dad. She combined her talent for needle and thread with her knowledge of the amazing properties of flax and sewed her first bread bag. Since linen is perfect for storing bread and keeps its shape for a long time, the bag still adorns the kitchen counter in her family home.
Sewing soon became a way of life. There were new people - and with them bold ideas - and new trends. The tiny, one-person linen workshop turned into a bustling studio. In this way, in 2012, the ADKA workshop and the aleWorek brand were born.
Today aleWorek is not only products but also a shop with a slogan: a sack full of gifts, ideas, nature. It is also a sewing room and aleWorek business, where we sew for you wholesale quantities of customized orders.
What is your idea? We sew solutions.
AleWorek - I wear naturally!
ADKA means artistic, precise, creative ... Adrianna - founder and boss. The brain and the heart of the organism. She confidently and gracefully fell into the business world creating space for unique products. She loves linen and believes in its power. She creates, designs, checks and shows beautiful products, creates the world on her terms.
In her everyday work she is supported by a close-knit team of people who share: love for fabrics, knowledge which is the basis of creation, the need to create beautiful and durable things, respect for the environment, aversion to plastic and faith in linen.

aleWorek team is a team of well tuned people who complement each other in their duties. From the left - graphic designer Emilka, who helps us when Paint fails 😉 It was she who sensed our juicy colours. Adrianna, the boss, in a red blouse, whose face reflects everything well - she is often surprised how beautifully things are going. There is also Wiktor, the Account Manager, the person to contact with clients. He'll talk here and get things done there - it's his innate talent! On the right is Aneta, back office manager, i.e. administration - she is not afraid of paperwork! And this is just a small range of people with whom we create our brand on a daily basis. Cooperation happens with a dozen or so people.
How did my adventure with linen begin?
Out of necessity! In our house, my dad started baking bread himself and kept complaining that he had nothing to store it in. He knew the way to keep bread in a linen cloth. He got me interested in the subject, so I bought linen and sewed my first bag, which I still have packed away as a sentimental keepsake.
Why have I decided to stay on the subject of bags for longer?
The possibility of fulfilling smaller and bigger orders is another challenge for me, and I like challenges! Apart from my flagship product - bags, I sew your ideas, design new bags, introduce beautiful objects to the world.
To whom am I addressing my offer?
Linen bread bags will find fans among housewives, home bakers, through eco-fans caring about how and what they eat, to bakeries who put the quality of their baked goods first.
Backpacks-bags are a great solution for fans of uncluttered hands during hiking in the urban jungle and bike trips.
My range of creations is mainly appreciated by women who look for beauty and durability of workmanship.
What can be found on aleworek.pl?
The online shop offers sacks, bags and backpacks. We also have linen for the kitchen and linen for the dining room. As the company grows, so do other local brands, local manufacturers. We focus on Polish workmanship and Polish origin. Our motto and slogan is: a bag full of ideas, products, nature.
In the tab for companies you will find a form to make wholesale enquiries.
On the blog, we describe what happens to us and what the work in the company looks like, we also give advice on how to wear the bags or the variety of fabrics.If you have any doubts, you can find the answers in the frequently asked questions section.